The way we work at BT Heat is simple. We believe in customer satisfaction. True, as humans there are times we miss the mark, but when that happens we just ask our customers to give us time to make it right. Our mission statement is simple, ” If your car doesn’t look good, then we don’t look good.” Our goal is for you to have a good experience when you come into our shops.
We offer a clean comfortable air condition waiting room for you and your family.
We take the time to give you thorough understanding of the investment for your home, vehicle orbusiness.
We offer lifetime and extended lifetime warranties ( RayBan Classified Only). We strive to have a film that best fits your needs and your budget. For us, window tinting is a lifetime application so wework for your referrals.
We work hard to have you tell your families, friends and neighbors about the good experience that you had at “Beat the Heat”. The way we work is to keep you coming back again and again as so many of our customers do when they buy new vehicles.
At Beat the Heat, we have over 80 years in combined window tinting experience and we work hard to keep our Tallahassee Customers coming back.
Thanks Tallahassee for the support you have given us here for the last 20 years.
BT Heat’s state of the art precision laser cutting window tint services are great for any automobile. Our high quality products, technology, and highly skilled staff ensure that every tint job is performed with a great deal of care and consideration to make sure you truly enjoy the benefits of driving in a car that is fully equipped to “Beat The Heat!”
UV Protection
Fade Protection
Temperature Control
Shattered Glass Protection
Improved Privacy & Security
Solar Control